Beer can save someone's worst day from time to time. The Brasserie d'Orval proves that beer can even save an entire abbey. After the horrors of the French Revolution and the political unrest that preceded it, the Orval monastery was completely destroyed. In order to build on more than 900 years of history, it was decided to rebuild the abbey in 1936. The reconstruction of the old monastery walls required huge amounts of money, which was earned by quickly founding the monastery's own brewery.

Beer with distinction

Beer and monks have a long history together, so the founding of a monastery brewery was not too far off. In addition to the delicious barley juice, cheese is still produced today. The Trappist monks, to which Oval Abbey belongs, have a long tradition in brewing and cheesemaking. In addition to contemplative work with God and intensive prayer, manual work in production and agriculture serves as physical balance and also provides financial resources, most of which are dedicated to charitable purposes. The latter is of enormous importance for the Brasserie d'Orval, because in order to be allowed to bear the “Trappist beer” seal, three criteria must be met. In addition to donating proceeds to social causes, the beer must also be brewed in a real Trappist monastery. In addition, the management of the brewery must be carried out by monks. Only if all three aspects apply does the beer count as a Trappist beer - an extraordinary honor that is only bestowed on a few breweries worldwide.

(Not) a Pappenheimer for Orval

In order to raise the large sums of money needed to save the abbey, a very special beer had to be brewed. The excellent beer from the Brasserie d'Orval goes back to a recipe from master brewer Pappenheimer, who was not a Pappenheimer at all and knew a lot about the craft of brewing. Like all the other brewers at Brasserie d'Orval, he was a layman and was hired by the monks to save the monastery with masterful beers like Orval . To this day, the beer is brewed according to Pappenheimer's recipe. No wonder, as it is characterized by its wonderfully round, wonderfully bitter taste. Thanks to the high fermentation process and the long maturation time, the beer develops complex aromas that are fruity and hoppy-bitter at the same time.

An extraordinary beer with a very special story!

Item No. Product Container Price



Brasserie d’Orval

0,33 L Flasche - € 14,85 / LTR

€ 4,90


trappist glas

Brasserie d’Orval

1 St. - € 5,09 / St.

€ 5,09

Too popular