Brussels is a lively metropolis where cultures, cuisines and creative people come together. People with innovative ideas, earth-shattering concepts and entrepreneurial spirit work every day to make their city and the world a better place. Also involved are the brewers of the Brussels Beer Project, who are turning the beer scene upside down with a breath of fresh air and sustainable plans.

Success through crowdfunding

The humble roots of the small brewery from Brussels lie in the kitchen of Olivier and Sébastien: The two beer enthusiasts brewed the first versions of their own beer at home in their four walls. Her insatiable thirst for beer led her to stand at the kettle or pot and turn the nonsense in her head into beer. After the beginning was made and the first drinkable beers were brewed, the two made their project official with the help of a crowdfunding campaign. An incredible 369 people believed in the team's creations and supported the founders with a large injection of funds. Today the number of supporters has increased to more than 4,000, which is not least due to the success of the brewery and its beers. But the donors for the Brussels Beer Project are more than just investors: the brewery has created a real community of its benefactors and involves them in important decisions. For example, the community chooses beers for the core range and also keeps Sébastien and Olivier busy.

Beer from bread and bread from beer

A challenging audience is exactly what the two brewers want from their circle of friends and acquaintances. The two of them are bursting with ideas, plans and projects. An absolute passion project among the brewery's many campaigns is the circular economy. The resourceful minds were the first brewers in the world to turn old, unsold bread into beer. But the cycle doesn’t end at this point! Bread is then baked from the spent grain left over from the brewing process. The brewers are also working to minimize their ecological footprint by generating electricity from the brewery's own solar cells and sourcing their raw materials from regional farmers. The brewery is constantly evolving under the strict eyes of its community. The now more than 30-strong team also receives new input through exchanges with other brewers. As part of collaborations, brewers from all over the world are always guests to share their wealth of experience, recipes and techniques and to brew good beer. You can taste the fruits of their labor here with us!

Item No. Product Container Price


just play

Brussels Beer Project

0,33 L Flasche - € 11,82 / LTR

€ 3,90

Too popular


wunder German Lager

Brussels Beer Project

0,33 L Flasche - € 10,61 / LTR

€ 3,50

Too popular


jungle joy

Brussels Beer Project

0,33 L Flasche - € 11,82 / LTR

€ 3,90

Too popular


delta ipa

Brussels Beer Project

0,33 L Flasche - € 11,82 / LTR

€ 3,90

Too popular



Brussels Beer Project

0,33 L Flasche - € 11,82 / LTR

€ 3,90

Too popular