Bierothek® Magazin

Bierothek® awarded German Design Award


Bamberg – The Bierothek® was awarded the German Design Award 2016 in the “Retail Architecture” category for its interior design concept. The young Bamberg start-up company operates stationary specialty beer stores and markets beer in a completely new way. This effort to give beer a new lease of life as a cultural asset has now been recognized with the most important German design award.

The young Bavarian start-up company can once again celebrate a prestigious award. For the unique interior design concept of its specialty beer stores, Bierothek GmbH from Bamberg was awarded the Special Mention award at the German Design Awards 2016 by the German Design Council, the German brand and design authority. The international premium prize is not only one of the most recognized design competitions in the world, but also represents and honors current design events in Germany.

The jury around Prof. Hartmut A. Raiser, Dr. In their justification, Angelika Nollert and Michel Casertano particularly emphasized that “the impressive product range is perfectly showcased by the concise and consistently designed interior in the corporate design.” The centrally located specialty beer stores exhibit their over 300 different beer specialties in modern retail spaces in a high-quality ambience . The interior designer Julia Klemenz, who was responsible for the conception and execution, particularly relied on modern materials such as board, OSB and copper. “Each Bierothek® is designed individually but still recognizable to suit the property in order to offer an appealing beer shopping experience.”

The founder and managing director Christian Klemenz is also very pleased about the award: “We are extremely pleased that, after having already been awarded the German Design Award for our house brand St. ERHARD in 2013, we are now receiving this recognition again “We received the most important German design award for our retail concept.” The 28-year-old young entrepreneur and beer sommelier sees the Bierothek® as a pioneer for a new division in retail, that of the beer specialty store.

26.October 2015