
You can reach us by phone at 0951 / 3017 8389

You can find the contact form for prospective franchisees below.

Would you like a Bierothek ® beer seminar / company event / tasting / individual event / bachelor party?

  • Are you interested in a Bierothek® beer seminar, company event, tasting, individual event or bachelor party?
  • Or do you have general questions about a single Bierothek® branch?
  • Then tick the box indicating which Bierothek® branch you would like to contact and we will forward your request to the relevant branch email address.
  • For general questions please select Bierothek® Headquarters

Your event @ Bierothek® (optional)

Are you interested in our Bierothek® franchise concept and would like to open your own stationary branch? Then feel free to write to us without obligation!

Bierothek Marketplace GmbH
An der Spinnerei 3
96047 Bamberg

