The OpenBottle Party is aimed at all beer fans who want to sample our range to their heart's content, alone or with friends.
ADMISSION IS FREE! You can reserve your seats at the bar here.
We will provide you with a tasting glass and a sample of one of our current beers, and you can then sample all of our beers live on site at a takeaway price.
Open a few bottles and share them with others!
Of course, we are available to answer all your questions about beer and breweries and will also provide you with a snack and water.
At the end of the evening, at 10 p.m., you can head to one of our partner locations within walking distance. We always have a few vouchers for a free beer or a discount available. Just ask.
Anne und Christian Temme GbR
Fischmarkt 17
22767 Hamburg
Anne und Christian Temme
0160 / 924 613 92
MO Closed
TU Closed
WE Closed
TH 16:00 Uhr - 21:00 Uhr
FR 16:00 Uhr - 21:00 Uhr
SA 13:00 Uhr - 19:00 Uhr
SU Closed