
Motörhead has long been able to do what Metallica can do: brew beer. Or at least give up their good name for a beer. In this case, the beer itself was brewed by Camerons Brewery from Hartlepool. The creation is called Röad Crew and we can definitely taste the hard rock in the innocently golden beer!

Turbulent story

Before Camerons Brewery was given the honor of brewing Motörhead's personal beer, the brewery first had to establish itself in the highly competitive beer business in Great Britain. The success story began in 1852 with a farmer who founded the Lion Brewery. After his death, his widow hired William Cameron, who ran the brewery successfully from then on. So successful that in the following years he had to remodel and expand several times and even went public. Camerons Brewery bought several other breweries and developed into a brewing empire that also sold bottled mineral water. After turbulent years in which the company was sold, divided, resold, downsized and enlarged, the brewery is now privately owned again.

Röad Crew

According to Lemmy Kilmister's "(We Are) The Road Crew", a beer is actually all you need. No matter how terrible the day, how stressful the job, or how frustrating the love life, another beer is what you need and the thing that will make everything better. The beer that Motörhead developed together with Camerons Brewery is an American Pale Ale. Typical of this style is the large amount of hops used in brewing. Röad Crew contains the fine aromas of citrus fruits and blackcurrants. In addition to these flavor notes, the hops provide a pleasant bitterness. With 5% ABV, you'll have to empty a few bottles to get to rock concert level, but that doesn't matter because the Röad Crew is so drinkable that you'll want to grab the next one even without concert tickets.

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Camerons Brewery Ltd
Teesside, TS24 7QS, UK

Vereinigtes Königreich GB (UK)

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