Grüner Anarchist

The Green Anarchist calls for anarchy and does not cause chaos, but rather a renaissance of extremely good values. The green superhero from the tranquil town of Karsbach is not prepared to compromise and stands up for his cause with energy - and with excellent beer.

Beer with a mission

For a long time, uniform industrial beer dominated the market. The shelves were bending under the weight of uniform bottles with equally uniform contents. Although these beers also contained hops, malt and yeast, you would have to search for inspiration, creativity and craftsmanship for a long time. We don't even want to get started on hand-picked ingredients and regionality. But the big change came and with the arrival of the craft beer movement in Germany, small, individual breweries sprang up like mushrooms. Of course, even when industrial beer reigned supreme, there were family breweries and those that defied quantity with quality, but they were somewhat lost in the face of mass production. Today, the German beer landscape is very diverse: alongside the beers of large industrial breweries, there are countless products from small breweries that score points for their class and inventiveness. Among them are the beers of the Green Anarchist. The wild, young brewery from Bavaria has big plans: Back to nature is its motto and a comprehensive concept that influences both the brewing process and the selection of ingredients. Artificial additives are an absolute taboo in the anarchist's house; the ingredients used are exclusively of natural origin and were selected according to strict criteria. Geile Zig and Natural Hopain only contain ingredients that come from regional cultivation. The anarchist is also involved in organic farming and supports projects to protect local farmers and bees.

Craftsmanship as a matter of the heart

Michael, the head, heart and hand behind the Green Anarchist, is a brewer with heart and soul. He has always had a great passion for good barley juice and therefore took the path of brewer and maltster. The path to self-employment and his own beers was the only logical step for the ambitious brewer. The concept was quickly found and then it could begin: With the big plan to brew something real and honest, Michael got to work. He networked with regional suppliers, made friends with farmers and tinkered with recipes. With courage and skill, the creative brewer combines tradition and modernity. He honors his roots and the traditional Bavarian brewing craft and brings new momentum to the place with cheeky recipes.

Outstanding craft beer for everyone!

Available from us

€ 4,90
MEHRWEG 0,33 L Flasche - € 14,85 / LTR
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€ 2,90
MEHRWEG 0,33 L Flasche - € 8,79 / LTR
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