
Kitchen helpers are devices and gadgets that are designed to make cooking easier. There are items that we use every day and those that are only taken out of the cupboard when we are preparing something very special. The everyday repertoire includes wooden spoons, spatulas, garlic presses, graters, mixers and the like, while the preparation of more sophisticated dishes requires the use of pasta machines, piping bags, ravioli cutters, meat grinders or vacuum sealers. Kitchen helpers can also be helpful people or culinary helpers. The latter include, for example, the products of the company LAUX, which are sold under the KÜCHENHELFER label, among others.

The collected magic from 35 manufacturers

LAUX is a premium food manufacturer that has a range of products in its range. The company began in the 1990s: At that time, all products were manufactured in the family business. More than 30 years later, they have long since outgrown their own four walls and have outsourced production. Just over 35 small manufacturers produce delicatessen, spirits and wines for LAUX. When selecting their producers, the company attaches great importance to transparency and personal contact. The Leisewitz family knows all of their employees and has a trusting and close relationship with them. In addition to a good relationship, authenticity is important to them. Many products are made by hand using regional raw materials according to local tradition. Instead of following the latest trends, the family follows their own taste: what they like ends up in the range. In production, the manufacturers rely on the latest technology and exquisite ingredients. Flavor enhancers and preservatives do not meet the high quality standards that LAUX has set for itself.

Delicious cooking with the KITCHEN HELPERS

KÜCHENHELFER is one of the numerous brands under the LAUX umbrella. This label produces products to help you in the kitchen. The sauces and marinades take your kitchen skills to the next level and give your creations a huge flavor kick. All KÜCHENHELFER products can be used in a variety of ways and refine meat and fish, tofu and seitan, salads, vegetables and breads. Our favorite is of course the Burger Bomb BBQ Sauce , which is made with non-alcoholic beer and aromatic roasted malt. Like all LAUX products, the barbecue sauce comes from a small, family-run factory and is made from natural raw materials. It is often a single ingredient that turns a simple dish into a real feast for the palate - KÜCHENHELFER sauces are exactly this secret ingredient and help you conjure up true delicacies on the table.

Available from us

Brauerei Burger Bomb BBQ Sauce Bier Braumalz
Weitere Stile
€ 5,90
- 0,23 L Bottle - € 25,65 / LTR
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Europa-Allee 29 (Industriepark)
54343 Föhren

Deutschland DE


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