Martin Droschke / Norbert Krines

Apart from the first letter, beer and books usually have little in common. The examples we have selected for you are completely different. Norbert Krines and Martin Droschke have teamed up for several projects and indulged their passion for good barley juice in literary form. Krines is from Kulmbach and thus comes from a real Franconian beer region. Beer was practically in his blood, so it is hardly surprising that the German studies graduate is a passionate home brewer and runs a beer blog for which he tastes a different Franconian beer every day. His partner in crime Martin Droschke is just as enthusiastic about beer. The Augsburg native, who has already worked in all areas of the literary spectrum, enjoys the Franconian beer landscape with joy and appetite.

111 Franconian beers you must try

Krines and Droschke invite ambitious beer drinkers on a detailed journey through Franconia's impressive beer landscape. On 240 pages, the reader discovers the diversity of Franconia's beers and learns that beer is something that is taken very seriously in Franconia. Bock beer, smoked beer, pilsner, wheat beer, cellar beer and lager are just some of the varieties that the region with the highest density of breweries in the world has to offer. In addition to the types of beer, customs and curiosities relating to beer are also presented. In their work " 111 Franconian beers that you have to drink", the two beer connoisseurs impart useful specialist knowledge in funny anecdotes. In Franconia, for example, it is known that you can get to the next beer more quickly if you lay the empty beer mug flat on the table. However, this usually only applies in the beer cellar and anyone who tries to do this with a beer glass in the Bamberger Schlenkerla will get a slap on the head from the charming Franconian waitresses.

But no beer.

111 German craft beers you must try

The beer scene is changing: in conservative Germany, there is no longer just pilsner and wheat beer. Creative, innovative, crazy beers have taken over the beer market and are challenging the taste buds of long-established beer drinkers to the extreme. Ingredients that you would never have associated with beer are going into the kettles of wild brewers, and the result is beers that have little in common with conventional German beers. " 111 German craft beers that you must have drunk " is a non-fiction book that will definitely whet your thirst for beer. Droschke and Krines describe Germany's new, wild craft beers and their breweries so vividly that you almost think you could reach into the book and take the beer out straight away.

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50667 Köln

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