
Technological advances have brought great advantages to the beer industry: the brewing process has become more and more reliable and controllable over the past few decades, the brewed products taste the same every time, and modern processes have made production faster, more efficient, and more sustainable. But the use of computers in the brewhouse also has negative aspects. In the past, even the smallest brewery had its own signature. Each brewer did their best to meet their customers' tastes, and there was a wide variety of beer styles and their interpretations. Industrial production has limited diversity and smoothed out the large fluctuations in quality and aroma. Instead of individual taste and outstanding quality, price and quantity have become more and more important. Some breweries have decided to counteract this madness with hand-crafted, subtly composed, and special beers. One of them is the Nittenauer brewery.

Strict taste control

The top priority when developing and brewing beers at Nittenauer is the question: Do we want to drink this beer ourselves? Only beers that the brewers themselves drink with pleasure and enjoyment are brought to market. In this way, the team can stand behind their products with enthusiasm and conviction. The raw materials are selected according to quality and taste; price plays a secondary role. In order to end up with a lively, aromatic and drinkable beer, the brewers forego pasteurization and ensure that each variety has its own character. The brewers experiment to their heart's content and use hops from all over the world, tasty malts and special yeast strains. Nittenauer's range consists of traditional beers that have been given a modern twist and a number of creative, hand-brewed variants, some of which are also craft beers.

Always regional

Like many breweries in southern Germany, Nittenauer also dates back to a communal brewery. These facilities enabled the citizens of a town to brew their own beer. The Nittenauer communal brewery has existed since 1726 and was owned by bourgeois shareholders until it was bought by Sigmund Pirzer and Hans Jakob in 1923. When demand eventually exceeded the brewery's capacity, the brewery moved to a new building and has been brewing there ever since. To this day, the Nittenauer brewery is a small brewery that places value on regionality. To protect its region, the brewery uses almost exclusively electricity that comes from the brewery's own solar system. The Jakob family is still present today and is responsible for the wonderful Nittenauer beer.

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MEHRWEG 0,33 L Flasche - € 10,61 / LTR
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€ 3,50
MEHRWEG 0,33 L Flasche - € 10,61 / LTR
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5 Results

Brauhaus Nittenau
Wulkersdorfer Straße 4
93149 Nittenau

Deutschland DE

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