
The Staffelberg is a landmark of Franconian Switzerland and towers over the district of Lichtenfels. The high plateau was already inhabited in the Stone Age, and today there is a chapel and a cozy restaurant on the flat summit, which offers cold beer and other refreshments for hikers. A popular treat after the arduous climb is the beer from the Staffelberg-Bräu - the family brewery is located at the foot of the hill and has been brewing the finest beers for mountaineers and everyone else for five generations.

From Geldner to Geldner

The origins of the brewery go back to the innkeeper Jakob Geldner, who opened the inn in Loffeld. His son Jakob continued the business and added a brewery. From 1866 onwards, beer was brewed in the brewery's own brewery, which was then served in the parlor next door. As tradition dictates, the brewery was passed down from generation to generation. To this day, the Geldner family is at the helm and supplies the region with good beer. The brewing water for the barley juice comes from a mountain spring not far from the brewery: in 1959, the spring was discovered and pipes were laid to direct the crystal-clear water directly to the brewhouse. In addition to this excellent water, the other raw materials also play a key role. Both the ingredients for the beer and the basics for the dishes in the inn are sourced from regional farmers. With sustainability in mind and in the expert hands of chefs and brewers, the valuable goods are then processed into delicious products.

Traditional by principle

Tradition is close to the Geldner family's heart. This is evident from the fact that the family is now in its fifth generation. But the high quality standards and hospitality are also based on Franconian traditions. The guest is king and is welcomed with home-made food, freshly tapped beer and a cozy atmosphere. To ensure the greatest possible transparency and quality control, the meat comes from our own slaughterhouse and is processed into roasts and other delicacies according to traditional family recipes. A piece of Franconian culture can be experienced from time to time in the brewery hall: the brewery makes its premises available for plays, concerts, cabaret and other events. The passionate hosts always have their tasty beer ready. The range includes a whole series of down-to-earth, hand-brewed creations that score points with taste and balance. The Franconian beer variety includes classics such as the Helles Vollbier or the Märzen , but also offers non-alcoholic alternatives, strong beers and seasonal specialties.

Get to know the Geldner family's wide-ranging repertoire here with us and find your new favorite Franconian beer!

Available from us

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€ 2,60
MEHRWEG 0,50 L Bottle - € 5,20 / LTR
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Brauerei Ährengold Festbier
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€ 2,00
MEHRWEG 0,50 L Bottle - € 4,00 / LTR
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€ 2,00
MEHRWEG 0,50 L Bottle - € 4,00 / LTR
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€ 2,00
MEHRWEG 0,50 L Bottle - € 4,00 / LTR
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€ 2,00
MEHRWEG 0,50 L Bottle - € 4,00 / LTR
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Deutsche Lagerbiere|Fränkische Biere|Rauchbiere
€ 2,00
MEHRWEG 0,50 L Bottle - € 4,00 / LTR
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Deutsche Lagerbiere|Fränkische Biere
€ 2,00
MEHRWEG 0,50 L Bottle - € 4,00 / LTR
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Brauerei Hefe-Weißbier
Fränkische Biere|Weizenbiere
€ 2,00
MEHRWEG 0,50 L Bottle - € 4,00 / LTR
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Brauerei Märzen
Deutsche Lagerbiere|Fränkische Biere
€ 2,00
MEHRWEG 0,50 L Bottle - € 4,00 / LTR
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Fränkische Biere|Pils
€ 1,90
MEHRWEG 0,50 L Bottle - € 3,80 / LTR
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Brauerei Hefe-Weißbier alkoholfrei
Fränkische Biere|Weizenbiere
€ 2,00
MEHRWEG 0,50 L Bottle - € 4,00 / LTR
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Brauerei Loffelder Dunkel
Deutsche Lagerbiere|Fränkische Biere
€ 2,00
MEHRWEG 0,50 L Bottle - € 4,00 / LTR
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Brauerei Helles Vollbier
Fränkische Biere|Helles
€ 2,00
MEHRWEG 0,50 L Bottle - € 4,00 / LTR
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14 Results
Brauerei 165__maf__staffelberg_braeu_logo_5201

Staffelberg-Bräu GmbH & Co. KG
Mühlteich 7
96231 Bad Staffelstein OT Loffeld

Deutschland DE

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