Varvar Brew

Like all other markets, the beer market is subject to constant change. Highs alternate with deep valleys, sometimes business booms, other times no one seems to be interested in the barley juice anymore. And yet young brewers keep taking the plunge and opening their own brewery. After a long lull, the craft beer movement brought new momentum to the scene and made it easier for many to start their own business. While some view this development critically and fear the growing number of competitors, others see it as an opportunity. The team at the Varvar brewery falls into the latter category.

Dreams come true

The Ukrainian brewery believes that the world of beer has enough space for everyone who wants to change something with passion, heart and skill. Good beer always resonates, that is what Varvar Brew advocates. Their story began - like so many in this business (and certainly in other industries too) - with a glass of beer. Beer that someone else had brewed and that inspired Vasyl Mikulin and his loved ones to dream. Each of them had different ideals and role models, but the path was clear: they wanted to start their own brewery and brew beer that touches people and, above all, tastes good. Because they didn't have the equipment or money to do so at the beginning, they brewed as guests at established breweries. Step by step, Varvar Brew gained notoriety and was able to fulfill their dream of having their own brewing system in May 2015. The team now has more than 15 people and runs a brewpub in addition to the brewery.

Good Beer in Bad Times

The factor that made all this possible is, of course, the beer: The young craft brewery's range consists of all kinds of modern, creative and flavorful brews. Hopped IPAs, chocolatey stouts, contemporary interpretations of classics and non-alcoholic variants reflect the team's skills and expertise - and offer the right beer for every taste. The Russia-Ukraine conflict accompanied the brewery from the very beginning, but they did not lose heart even after the Russian army moved in in 2022. Varvar collaborates with breweries around the world to draw attention to the situation in their homeland and to raise money for charitable causes. They had to close their doors for a time, but they are now active again. We applaud the courage and prudence of the Varvar brewery and hope that they never lose their positivity and confidence!

Available from us

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€ 4,50
MEHRWEG 0,33 L Bottle - € 13,64 / LTR
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Varvar Brew

Ukraine UA

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