Mahrs Bräu

Bamberg lies in the heart of the region with the highest density of breweries in the world. Franconia's map is dotted with traditional breweries, privately run village breweries and young breweries. Hardly any other place on our planet is so beer-crazy and nowhere else does one have such a magnificent selection of hand-brewed creations. There are a variety of typical Franconian beer styles and many breweries also enrich their range with modern craft beer. The barley juice is a living part of the local culture and is celebrated every day. The city of Bamberg currently has just over a dozen breweries and one of them is Mahrs Bräu. The traditional company is a real institution in the world cultural heritage and has long been a popular meeting point for Bamberg residents and visitors.

Family business for almost 130 years

The origins of the brewery can be traced back to 1670. That was when the brewery was founded and first mentioned in documents. The brewery fell into the hands of the Michel family in 1895. They bought the farm in Bamberg's Wunderburg district and the associated brewery with rock cellar on Stephansberg. Less than ten years later, boss Johann undertook an immediate renovation and built a new brick building. His descendants eventually gave the brewery the name Mahrs Bräu and introduced sustainable concepts into the company. Further modernization and mechanization ensure that the brewery is up to date and produces in the most environmentally friendly way possible. The brewery has received awards for its commitment to nature and its beers have also attracted international attention. The range of Franconian classics has been awarded prestigious medals in competitions and has ensured that the brewery is known far beyond the borders of Bamberg and its home country.

Today, yesterday and tomorrow

As one of the last traditional breweries in Bamberg, Mahrs Bräu bears a great responsibility: The family builds a bridge between the traditional craftsmanship of their ancestors and the contemporary taste of modern beer connoisseurs. Four generations of Michels have managed the brewery to this day and carry on the legacy of their predecessors with pride and passion. Every beer that leaves the private brewery has character and taste. This is ensured by a team of professional brewmasters who combine brewing craftsmanship with fresh ideas, the latest technology and a pinch of curiosity. To protect and preserve their homeland, the brewery supports numerous projects and uses green electricity. For example, Mahrs Bräu is part of the Slow Food movement and a partner of Beefuture, an organization that supports bee populations in Germany and Europe. The Michel family manages the balancing act between tradition and the present with flying colors.

Available from us

Brauerei Hell
Fränkische Biere|Helles
Mahrs Bräu
€ 2,00
MEHRWEG 0,50 L Bottle - € 4,00 / LTR
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Brauerei Mahrs Bräu a U
Deutsche Lagerbiere|Fränkische Biere
Mahrs Bräu
€ 2,00
MEHRWEG 0,50 L Bottle - € 4,00 / LTR
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Brauerei Sommerpils
Fränkische Biere|Pils
Mahrs Bräu
€ 2,00
MEHRWEG 0,50 L Bottle - € 4,00 / LTR
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Brauerei 5L Partydose Mahr a U
Fränkische Biere
Mahrs Bräu
€ 15,90
EINWEG 5,00 L BARREL - € 3,18 / LTR
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Brauerei E.T.A. Dunkles Lager
Deutsche Lagerbiere|Fränkische Biere|Dunkles und Schwarzbier
Mahrs Bräu
€ 2,20
MEHRWEG 0,50 L Bottle - € 4,40 / LTR
Too popular
5 Results
Brauerei 114__maf__main_logo_10202

Mahrs Bräu Bamberg GmbH
Wunderburg 10
96050 Bamberg

Deutschland DE

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