Hösl Bier

S' Hösl fits - that's the motto of the Hösl brewery from Mitterteich in Upper Palatinate. And they're right: Hösl beer fits perfectly, because it's a real Upper Palatinate speciality and tastes good even if you're a Prussian. And the Hösls are an institution anyway: they were the very first in Mitterteich to have a radio. Groovy, even if you still had to listen with ear trumpets!

Hösl family clan

The origins of the private Hösl brewery in Mitterteich go back more than 110 years. In 1906, Michael Hösl brewed the brewery's first Hösl beer. Hard times and world wars threw a lot of obstacles in the Hösls' path, but the family never let themselves be stopped. Everyone at the Hösls pitched in; during the First World War, for example, Margarete Hösl, wife of brewery boss Michael Hösl, took the reins and represented her husband with dignity, while also managing the household and raising the children. With instructions that Michael sent her by post from the front, Margarete brewed Hösl beer from then on. What a power woman! The Hösl family and brewery also had to endure a major fire - but this catastrophe was mastered with flying colors and used as an opportunity to add floors to the residential and brewery buildings. The Hösl family sticks together and manages to defy all adversities and still brew excellent beer. Our favorite is the Whiskey-Weisse , a very special beer specialty with a smoky note.

Full speed ahead

The Hösls have always prided themselves on brewing their Hösl beer for gourmets. After Michael, who had actually emigrated to America to brew beer there, came back to Germany for love, the brewing could begin. And how it began! Bumpy times were followed by good ones and optimization was carried out as far as possible. The systems were improved, energy-saving measures were implemented and environmental protection became a matter of the heart. The brewhouse was converted to steam heating and the energy supply was improved. New malt receiving silos and an air dust collector were also built. And the effort was and still is worth it: the brewery has now been awarded the bronze "Prize of the Best" for the fourth time in a row. This honor testifies to exceptional quality and excellent beer.

Available from us

Brauerei Weissbier Resi - Leichtes Weissbier
Hösl Bier
€ 2,50
MEHRWEG 0,50 L Bottle - € 5,00 / LTR
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Brauerei Mein Helles 0,33l
Fränkische Biere|Helles
Hösl Bier
€ 1,70
MEHRWEG 0,33 L Bottle - € 5,15 / LTR
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Brauerei Mein Radler
Fränkische Biere|Weitere Stile
Hösl Bier
€ 1,90
MEHRWEG 0,50 L Bottle - € 3,80 / LTR
Too popular
Brauerei Lager Hell
Deutsche Lagerbiere|Fränkische Biere|Helles
Hösl Bier
€ 1,90
MEHRWEG 0,33 L Bottle - € 5,76 / LTR
Too popular
Brauerei Edelpilsener
Fränkische Biere|Pils
Hösl Bier
€ 1,50
MEHRWEG 0,33 L Bottle - € 4,55 / LTR
Too popular
Brauerei Süffikus
Bockbiere|Fränkische Biere
Hösl Bier
€ 2,50
MEHRWEG 0,50 L Bottle - € 5,00 / LTR
Too popular
Brauerei Mein Zoigl
Deutsche Lagerbiere|Fränkische Biere
Hösl Bier
€ 1,00
MEHRWEG 0,50 L Bottle - € 2,00 / LTR
Too popular
Brauerei Zünftiges Wirtshausbier
Deutsche Lagerbiere|Fränkische Biere
Hösl Bier
€ 1,90
MEHRWEG 0,50 L Bottle - € 3,80 / LTR
Too popular
Brauerei Natur Radler
Fränkische Biere
Hösl Bier
€ 1,90
MEHRWEG 0,50 L Bottle - € 3,80 / LTR
Too popular
Brauerei Weissbier Resi Helles Weissbier
Fränkische Biere|Weizenbiere
Hösl Bier
€ 2,80
MEHRWEG 0,50 L Bottle - € 5,60 / LTR
Too popular
Brauerei Mein Helles
Fränkische Biere|Helles
Hösl Bier
€ 1,90
MEHRWEG 0,50 L Bottle - € 3,80 / LTR
Too popular
Brauerei Abt Andreas Dunkel
Deutsche Lagerbiere|Fränkische Biere|Dunkles und Schwarzbier
Hösl Bier
€ 1,90
MEHRWEG 0,50 L Bottle - € 3,80 / LTR
Too popular
Brauerei Tonkrug 0,33l
Deutsche Lagerbiere
Hösl Bier
€ 4,90
- 1 St. - € 4,90 / St.
Too popular
Brauerei Weissbier Resi Dunkles Weissbier
Fränkische Biere|Weizenbiere
Hösl Bier
€ 2,80
MEHRWEG 0,50 L Bottle - € 5,60 / LTR
Too popular
Brauerei Communbräu Zoigl
Deutsche Lagerbiere|Fränkische Biere
Hösl Bier
€ 2,80
MEHRWEG 0,50 L Bottle - € 5,60 / LTR
Too popular
Brauerei Communbräu Winterzoigl
Deutsche Lagerbiere|Fränkische Biere
Hösl Bier
€ 2,50
MEHRWEG 0,50 L Bottle - € 5,00 / LTR
Too popular
Brauerei Whiskey-Weisse
Fränkische Biere|Weizenbiere
Hösl Bier
€ 2,90
MEHRWEG 0,50 L Bottle - € 5,80 / LTR
Too popular
Brauerei Karpfentrunk
Deutsche Lagerbiere|Fränkische Biere
Hösl Bier
€ 2,20
MEHRWEG 0,50 L Bottle - € 4,40 / LTR
Too popular
18 Results
Brauerei 38__maf__Hoesl_Logo_mSchattenHoeslpasst_red_4c_kl_2794

Hösl & Co Brauhaus GmbH
Bahnhofstr. 1
95666 Mitterteich

Deutschland DE


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