The narwhal is a real animal that could have come from a fairy tale. The sea giant has a huge tusk that looks very similar to the horn of a unicorn. The canine tooth with the spiral-shaped surface sits in the middle of the upper lip, giving the whale that lives in the Arctic Ocean the appearance of a mythical creature and has always made it the subject of countless myths and legends.
The team at the Sierra Nevada brewery has a penchant for fantastic stories and has dedicated a majestic beer to the narwhal: Narwhal (the English spelling of the animal’s name) is an imperial stout with a powerful 10.2% alcohol content, which contains two types of hops and an incomparable number of eight different types of malt. The malt-accented monster flows into the glass in opaque midnight black and is adorned with a crown of thick, creamy, hazelnut-brown foam. An olfactory symphony of freshly brewed espresso, fine cocoa, roasted grain and campfire smoke rises into the nose and makes the first sip inevitable. The powerful taste is made up of intense roasted aromas, tenderly melting chocolate, strong coffee, creamy caramel, molasses and fine smoke. A vehement bitterness harmoniously balances out the powerful sweetness and provides contrast and character.
Sierra Nevada’s Narwhal is the right choice for all those who appreciate colossal beers with a dark soul!