Blackberry bushes don't have a good reputation, especially in the gardening scene. If left unchecked, they grow as fast as the wind and spread throughout the garden with thick, sprawling branches. It's not enough to shorten the arms, which are covered in impressive thorns. To stop growth, the entire root has to be dug up, otherwise new shoots will soon shoot out of the ground. However, the big advantage of blackberries is also clear: in good years, they provide us with juicy, deep black fruits all summer long and into autumn.
Blackberries come in different varieties, most of which are delicious. You can eat them straight from the bush (be careful with wild plants: to avoid catching a fox tapeworm, you should only eat fruits that you pick at chest height or higher!), you can bake heavenly cakes with them, squeeze extremely healthy juice out of them, sweet and Use it to refine savory dishes or cook fine jam with it.
Cantillon Brewery recently released a line of jams. The Lambic Blackberry Jam combines the earthy sweetness of the berry with the elegant acidity of the Lambic beer to create an incomparable pleasure. Perfect for bread, brioche, salad dressings or cakes!
Blackberries macerated in Gueuzerie Tilquin Lambic