There is news from Brauhaust Faust! From February 2025, there will be a new addition to the range that should delight all fans of strong, malt-based beers: The Frühlingsmärzen is a tasty harbinger of the upcoming season and, with blooming daffodils on the sunny yellow label, arouses anticipation of warmer temperatures, light and sprouting greenery.
Spring is many people’s favorite season, and for good reason. After the long, relentlessly cold, dark, gray, and depressing winter, there is nothing better than feeling the days getting longer and milder again. The cold loosens its iron grip, it stays light longer, sometimes the sun peeks through the clouds and the first green breaks up the brown landscape. We swap the layered look for lighter layers, and it’s as if the whole world is breathing a sigh of relief after a long time.
The fine spring Märzen from Faust is the perfect drink to celebrate this special time. The copper-colored drink scores with creamy ivory foam and an enticing scent of roasted grain and fresh hops. The first sip is a full-bodied pleasure that flatters the palate with a composition of roasted aromas, delicately melting caramel and tart bitterness. Uncomplicated, down-to-earth and spring-fresh!