Michael and Dennis are the brains behind the Mücke Craft Beer label. For some time they have been brewing their works professionally and selling them to bars, pubs, private customers and us. That’s a terrific achievement, especially when you consider that neither of them is a trained brewer. The duo brews their beer on Frank Liebhardt’s facility: the private brewery in Detmold opens its sacred halls to mosquitoes and is at the same time available to offer advice and support. The advantage of career changers in this business is their impartiality. While skilled brewers rely on what they learned during their training, home brewers are free as a bird in their choices and their flavor combinations. In a team with an experienced brewer, ingenious brews can be created.
This is what happened with the ginger pale ale. Michael and Dennis created the brew under the watchful eye of master brewer Frank. When they were about to throw an incredible 30 kilograms of fresh ginger into the cauldron, Frank had some concerns, but he didn’t step in. Luckily! The resulting Pale Ale is bursting with strong notes of ginger and is a treat for all fans of the exotic tuber. The beer combines the fiery spiciness of ginger with its lemony freshness and a little kick of spiciness.
Water, barley malt, wheat malt, ginger, hops, yeast