Beer glasses used to be something you hid in the cupboard. Willy mugs, wheat and pilsner glasses, mugs and tankards were simply marked with the brewery’s logo in the past, and functionality was the main focus. Things are a little different today. Functionality still plays an important role, but design is also important. There is also a lot more choice: people no longer just drink pilsner and wheat beer from a glass, but also all kinds of newer styles. Refined craft beers, which are made from a variety of flavors and a dozen types of hops, simply taste even better from a glass. The same applies to hand-brewed classics.
The Rodenbach brewery has a selection of traditional and contemporary brewing pieces in its range and supplies us with the matching glassware.
FruitAge is a luxurious fruit beer made from freshly harvested cherries and shines with exuberant fruitiness and a deep red color. In order to present the appearance, aroma and taste in the best light, the brewery has designed a glass that goes wonderfully with this brew. The FruitAge tasting glass has a capacity of 0.25 liters and cuts an extremely good figure with a long, elegant stem in dark cherry red. A bulbous goblet with red print sits on the stem, giving the beer enough space to develop.