If you look in the crockery cupboard of an average family in Germany, you will come across a variety of vessels: cups for tea, coffee and cocoa, wine glasses, champagne glasses, water glasses, mugs, small glasses for shots, whiskey snifters, champagne goblets and espresso cups. There are suitable variants for the multitude of our everyday drinks and yet most people hesitate when it comes to buying beer glasses. Wheat glasses and pilsner glasses are a bit more common, but that is usually where the selection ends. We are aware that you cannot have a separate glass for every style of beer in the cupboard, but we think that you should at least have an all-rounder for different brews in your repertoire.
Glasses that are suitable for a variety of different styles are tasting glasses or the classic ale glass. These models are suitable for all types of beer and are practical tools for anyone who wants to celebrate the beer.
For example, there is a simple ale glass from the French craft brewery La Debauche. Their version comes in the traditional shape that widens towards the top and has a timeless, simple, pale grey print. The glass stands stable on the table, fits well in the hand and presents your favorite beer in all its glory.