On Saturday God created animals and people. There’s now just the right beer for such busy Saturdays: Septems Saturday’s Porter. Strong and aromatic, it helps you get through even the most stressful Saturday in the history of the world!
If you think of porter as winter beers, you haven’t tried Septem’s version of the beer style yet. Typically, porters are heavy, malt-laden sugar bombs with harsh bitter notes. Not so Saturday’s Porter. This representative of the style presents itself slim with gentle carbonation and a delicate body. A porter for summer? This creation makes you want chocolaty and malty temptation even in the warm season. In the deep brown color of chestnut, Septems Porter impresses in the glass. Wonderful aromas of chocolate, freshly roasted coffee beans and roasted nuts suggest a traditional porter. The surprise comes in the taste: no heavy malt, no overwhelming sweetness and not too bitter either. The Greek porter beer is light-footed and yet intense in taste - a successful balancing act between light and fragrant and heavy and powerful.
If the fruity, floral world of summer beers gets too boring, you will find a welcome change in this extremely successful porter.
Water, barley malt, hops, yeast