In the series of elegant beer glasses from the Greek brewery Septem, the tulip-shaped beer snifter is a special eye-catcher. With its small stem, voluminous body and tapered neck, the Brussels tasting glass looks quite impressive. The glass rim is fine-walled and rests lightly on the lips. The low center of gravity ensures good stability, even if the pan is placed on a slightly tilted beer bench.
We really like the empty glass, but with a cold beer in it it's a real treat. A delicate veil of condensed water beads down the outside of the glass and covers the surface with a fine mist. The strong amber-colored beer shines golden in the generous belly, small pearls constantly stream from the bottom of the glass to the surface. A stately crown of firm, white foam sits enthroned on the magnificent gold. The elegant logo of the Septem brewery puts the finishing touch on enjoying the beer before you put it to your lips and the actual enjoyment begins.