He was a daring guy, this Kunz von der Rosen. Cheeky, defiant and different. The founders of Kuehn Kunz Rosen liked the image of this historical figure from Kaufbeuren so much that they named their brand after him. Kunz was bold and Max Wägner and Wendelin Quadt are bold too!
Mainz is not an easy place for beverage producers. At least for those who don't produce wine. Max and Wendelin dared to do it anyway: in 2013 they founded their own beer label called Kuehn Kunz Rosen. Both had experience as start-up entrepreneurs at the time, but not particularly good. It seems as if this duo was made for each other, because only with their combined forces can the project succeed. Wendelin is the head, Max the executive hand and the brewer. In this constellation and with beautiful labels that are in no way inferior to those of the wine industry and even more beautiful beer, the two bold guys are conquering the beer world. Both are of the opinion that Mainz can also do with a bit of good beer alongside all the good wine.
The guys behind Kuehn Kunz Rosen are not only excellent brewers, but also smart people when it comes to design. You can tell that from the fact that they assessed their skills correctly and, instead of despairing over the design themselves, organized expert help in the form of Leonie Flöttmann. Since then, Leonie has been conjuring up creative labels for the creative beer. The lager Kerlig Hell, for example: On the simple label, just as the name suggests, there is a guy. He is carrying a little court jester in his hand. It is the daring guy we just talked about, Kunz von der Rosen. In medieval paintings, the donor of the picture is often included in the picture as a miniature figure, just like the Kunz here, who gave the beer its name. Hans and Wendelin are certainly sophisticated. And talented, because their beers taste excellent and are naturally bold. The people behind Kuehn Kunz Rosen are also open and daring to use unusual ingredients: in their Kuehn Kunz Rosen Oriental, for example, kumquats, barberries and exciting oriental spices are added to the kettle alongside hops and malt. And we particularly agree with Max and Wendelin on one thing: the country needs bold beers!