The ambitious brewer's goal is nothing less than to create the strongest beer in the world. Since releasing his first high-proof beer, he has been in a neck-and-neck race with the Scots from Brewdog. After a lot of back and forth and the launch of some excellent high-proof beers, Georg Tscheuschner is still undefeated at the top with his Schorschbock 57% . The delicious creation of the down-to-earth brewer is the soul of Franconia captured in a wonderfully dark beer.
Hops, malt and lots of skill
The Schorschbräu brewery is a microbrewery based in the Franconian Lake District. Master brewer and brains behind Schorschbock, Georg "Schorsch" Tscheuschner, has clearly focused on producing strong beers that are not only extremely alcoholic but also real flavor bombs. Using special yeasts, lots of malt and at least four months of storage, the creations achieve a very high alcohol content. The beers are so unusual and varied that it's hard to believe that they were brewed strictly according to the German Beer Purity Law. Only water, hops, malt and yeast go into the kettle. In Georg's expert hands and with precision craftsmanship and even more passion for brewing, these simple ingredients are used to create hits like the Schorschweizen 13 , the Schorschbock Ice 13 or the World's Strongest Lager , which come in an elegant clay bottle with a swing top. The Eisbock is a particular specialty that has a long tradition in Franconia. To make the beer even more full-bodied, water is removed from the beer in a special cooling process. This multiplies the aromas and the alcohol content skyrockets.
Schorschbock – Not a snack for in between
Anyone who thinks they can drink a bottle of Schorschbock to round off the evening should think again. With that many turns of the glass, the evening could be over in no time, and you'll probably miss out on the many facets of the taste. Schorschbräu recommends that all customers take small sips to enjoy the very dark beers. It's best to choose a small, bulbous glass for tasting. Like good wine, Schorschbock should be allowed to breathe briefly so that the complex flavors have time to fully develop. This is the best way to taste the full range of flavors and not overdo it with the heavyweights. The high alcohol content also ensures that the beer keeps well for several weeks even when opened, so there's no need to rush! We recommend Georg's fiery, dark, fruity, malty works of art to anyone who likes to challenge their beer taste or simply wants to discover something new.
None of Georg's exquisite creations are as easy to drink as a light pilsner. But who wants that?