Most people have their own individual technique for relaxing. Some rely on apps that guide them through meditation and breathing exercises, others bathe in the leaf-filtered light and the peaceful silence of the forest, go for a long jog, do autogenic training, write in their diary or lie down on the sofa for a while with their favorite book. Our whirlwind of thoughts and restless feet can best be calmed down when we enjoy a fine beer. The team at Orca Brau in Franconia seems to feel the same way, as they have developed a brew that has a call to relax in its name and, thanks to exquisite malt in luxurious abundance, spicy hops and a few full-bodied extra ingredients, contributes significantly to said relaxation.
Easy There Bear is a velvety soft chocolate porter that caresses body and soul with a warming 6.5% alcohol content and a flattering symphony of rock candy, cocoa and roasted aromas. The speciality flows into the glass in the darkest shade of mahogany and is adorned with a crown of dense, hazelnut-brown foam. A composition of strongly roasted malt, homemade cocoa, fine men’s chocolate, creamy caramel and flamed brown sugar tickles the nose and lies silkily on the tongue. Tettanger Centennial hops contribute a fruity elegance and resinous undertones.
Want to relax? Easy There Bear slows down the carousel of thoughts.
Water, barley malt, rye malt, rock candy, cocoa, hops, yeast