When you talk about the Vienna Prater, you usually mean the folk festival-like amusement park in Austria's capital. The Prater actually covers a much larger area: Located in Vienna's second district, there is a long meadow landscape that is divided into parks, meadows, tributaries of the Danube and landscaped bodies of water. Well-heeled citizens of the city used to stroll and hunt here, but today the Prater is a local recreation area for all Viennese and their guests.
About a ten hour drive and almost a thousand kilometers from the Prater is the Hamburg district of Bergedorf and an idyllic spot called Billwerder. Apart from the beautiful landscape, Billwerder and the Prater have little in common - at least until now. There has been a brewery in Billwerder since the summer of 2023, whose debut product is a Viennese lager called Hamburger Prater. The brew was penned by the newly founded Bill Brew and was brewed according to a recipe by hobby brewer Bernd aka Hopload. The red-gold brewing piece contains a hand-picked selection of the finest malts and the Saaz hop variety. Hamburger Prater brings a drinkable 5.0% alcohol content and a reasonable 28 bitter units into the glass. The lager with a Viennese touch combines robust malt and crisp hints of hops into a well-rounded whole.
A very successful first beer from Bill Brew.
Water, barley malt , hops, yeast