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Nothing is nicer than opening a well-chilled beer, hearing the pop of the swing top or the hiss of the crown cap, putting the container directly to your lips and gulping down the delicacy in large gulps. At least we thought so. But then craft beers entered the scene and we discovered that there is more to enjoying beer than just acoustics and taste. Craft brewers around the world preach the mindful consumption of their creations and advocate pouring their carefully crafted brews into a glass before drinking. This intermediate step enriches the matter with a visual component and enhances the fragrance, which can modify and intensify the taste. Since then we have been pouring our beer into a suitable glass and enjoying the fact that the beer appeals to all the senses and tastes even better than if you thirsty and hastily drink it from the can.
Suitable glassware is available directly from the brewery for the modern craft beer variants Rye River Brewing: the Willy beaker bearing the brewery’s logo presents the brewed items in all their glory, gives the aromas room to develop, emits heavenly scents and ensures that the Enjoying beer is a feast for the eyes, ears, nose and mouth.
Have fun tasting!